mercoledì 5 febbraio 2014

Which is the most difficult thing of Italian language

Which is the most difficult thing of Italian language ?
 Many students complain of the difficulties of Italian language, even if a vast majority becomes quite fluent in some weeks (provided they attend a course at Scuola Toscana) So we have decided to set a very informal poll on Facebook, asking former and actual students, and lovers of Italia language, which one is the most difficult topic they have tackled.
 And the winner is.. preposizioni !
 Yes, prepositions, di a da in con su per tra fra, it looks like for most of the respondent to the poll the use of preposizioni is the worst nightmare of their Italian studies. And the teacher confirm that in Italian (as in other languages, to be honest) the right use of the preposizioni is one of the most difficult topics... you say “io vado A teatro”, but “io vado AL cinema”, then “io vado DA Mario” but “io vado A mangiare presto e poi vado subito A letto...” Why ? Are there rational reasons ? Are there certain rules ? Is it possible to master the preposizioni ?
 The answer is “Yes. There are rules, and explainations, and the three secrets ... and if you know the magic recipe, then you become an expert in the use of preposizioni. “
 How ?
Just come to Scuola Toscana and our teacher will introduce you to the three secrets for the correct use of preposizioni !

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